Fiberglass layup as a stringer

Anyone made a stringer by laying up fiberglass? I guess in the same fashion as a fin layup. 


My thought process here is of the Ibeam methology.

Would creating the ibeam from the same material ie: layed up fiberglss, be an improvement or a hinderance?

Mayby wood has been the norm for this reason.

I really dont know im just making assumptions


Anyone done it and what were the results?



(1)   Done over 50 yrs ago, by both Clark, and Walker Foam.       (2)    Discontinued immediately.    A nightmare for shapers and thier tools.    (3)     Replaced by glue line (resin) stringers, colored paper stringers, and 1/16th inch wood stringers.     All in attempts to make lighter and lighter boards.      Don’t bother going down that road.

Excellent… Thanks Bill 

Saved me a tonne of work


You can buy PVC sign blank material in 8’ and I think 12’.  You can get a lot of stringers out do a 4x8’.  I use Sanderly Ply 3 layer. Comes in 4x8 sheets up to 1/4" thick.  Similar to Poplar Ply which will also work.  For anything over 8’ I piece it together with a V joint somewhere in the front third.  It is easily glued up If you glue the scarfed stringer to one side of the blank.  Then wait until dry and glue the other side onto the stringered half.  Glue lines are stronger than foam, but not as strong as wood.  There are "Construction Grade foams that make good liteweight stringers, but can only be glassed with Epoxy.

I have fiberglassed the cut edge on a chambered board before glue up, easy peazy

Why didn’t you fiberglass the other chambered piece to it at the same time?

I’m interested in the colored paper stringers. Why didn’t they last, too weak?