fibreglass keels / wood keels

just curious if anyone here has ridden BOTH on their fish[es].

Also , has anyone here made two copies of the same template keel …one out of solid fibreglass , and one out of wood , fibreglassed ?

If so , care to comment on which you preferred , and why , please ?

Thanks !!


Hey Ben,

I have, but there are too many other variables to make a valid comparison of fins. Different boards, Different foils on the fins even though the same template. etc. Mike


I used fiberglass (high profile shaper template…) glass ons , on one of my first fish, went great. Used the template of the fins…made some out of balsa foiled close to the originals( not exact…they were made by me!) and liked mine better.They were lighter,and just felt better in turns,same drive. Same board both sets. I probably just liked mine better because I made them. The difference was negligible…in a blind test no way could I distinguish between the two. Have fun…

thanks for the replies guys !!

I will be doing this , why I asked …

Iwill be using both sets at different times in the prawn …

cheers !!
