fibreglass supplier difficulties - plain weave okay?

I live in Java, Indonesia, and I’m having real difficulties tracking down any kind of useable glass. A supplier in Bali is selling 6oz hexcel at about US12 dollars a metre which seems a bit steep. Short of that I’ve only found chopped strand and woven roving cloths in heavy weights.

A supplier in Singapore says they have got ‘plain weave’ glass in 100g/m and 200g/m weights, which if my calculations are correct, works out at about 3oz and 6oz/sq. yd. The price is only about US1.5 a metre so I’m interested.

Is plain weave ok for glassing boards? I have to commit to a roll and pay freight charges so I want to be sure before I go for it.

Any info appreciated.

plain weave is what most people use.

plain is good.

Flat weave is bad.

is it saline glass (sp?)? That is the treatment that makes it transparent after the resin cures. That is what is normally used. Glass in the US cost arround $3.00 USD ($2-5) a yd for 6oz depending on quantity and provider.

good luck

We’ve been through this before, but there are two finishes on the fibers: silane and volan. Silane makes the glass lam really clear; volan gives it a slight greenish tint.

From Fiberglass Hawaii in Honolulu I bought last week a 125-yard roll of silane finish JPS E glass, 6-ounce cloth 27 inches wide and it comes down to $2.85 per yard. Metric, that’s 114 meters, 223 gms/square meter, 68.6 cm wide. Sure glad I are an engineer!

Thanks all for the info! That’s all I needed to know. Been having a right headache out here finding materials. Only knew trade names of glass that no one here had ever heard of, and was a bit confused by all the possibilities. I’ll ask about the treatment before I buy, but not too bothered about appearances… just need new boards. The two boards I brought out two years ago are starting to look a little shabby.


Howzit Honolulu, I got a roll of 6oz warp glass 30" wide just about a month ago from F.H. for about $ 2.25 a yard. That's one thing about F.H., the prices fluctuate month to month. $ 2.85 a yard is about the highest price I've seen from them and fiberglass isn't a oil based product. Aloha,Kokua

…Kokua i bought several rolls of aerialite 4oz for 1.82 in fiberglass florida…

…Tomways: Hexcell, jps, and bgf produce almost special fiberglass…

…the others companies produces regular fiberglass…

…both types are made in clothes, satins, rovings, matts, etc…

the regular glass are worst in almost all mechanics properties for boards, anyway if you could afford s special you can go for a regular one…

i ll hope you understand…

Howzit reverb, I'm a JPS guy, I use both their 4oz and 6oz warp glass. I also understand they sell a brand called ultra glass which I am unfamiliar with but when used with 1421 resin boards are stronger. Aloha,Kokua

…well, Kokua this is the first time i go for bgf , most of the time i went with hexcel…

…i used epoxi resin but im not totally familiar with this resin…now with better epoxies formulas than 15 or 20 years ago i will must to try…