Fin angle tool

I think I saw this in the latest *-ing mag. Just ran across it online.

It’s called a “multi-purpose angle finder;” here’s a link

the new catalogue arrived yesterday…like page four they got skate board bent wood 4-d deck blanks oooh baby the hype says "be the envy of all the kids at the skate park…phase # ? of the comodification of the skate board…My next thought on the progression was maybe If enough of us request wood surfboard blanks we could drive the cost down and maybe get em on sale in the spring catalogue.then the brothers in the land of the amish and shakers could order their coice of the Olo ,Brewer,Phil Edwards,or your coice of 13 other shapers in 1/2 scale ,1/5 scale ,or 1/10 scale …will the comodification of the surfboard continue onward in a predictablevein after the surfboard rug ,lamp, coffee tables become commonplace…ambrose …broken surfboard nose headboards saw one on national TV makeover home show

Howzit rolliges, Looking at the tool I notice it doesn’t look like you can lock it in place at certain angle if you want to set fin angles. I use a sliding bevel square and a protractor, you can lock the bevel square at whatever angle you want. Aloha, Kokua

Too complicated.I love looking at woodworking catalogs and all the gimmicks they come up with.Millions of dollars have been made on gizmos to just sharpen a friggin chisel or cut a dovetail.

I’ve got one, it costs something like $5. mine actually has a screw so you can lock it at any particular angle. Used it today to make little plywood fin jigs that will that will hold plugs/boxes at a particular angle. I’m sick of tape coming loose after I leave the room, leaving me with fins pointing in just about any direction I don’t want. I guess you don’t have that problem with fast setting polyester.

Bdw. the angle tool is excellent when refurbishing an old house where not a single angle is square anymore.

I use a high tech chunk of 2x4 beveled at the angle I want with a little notch at the bottom to keep it out of the “mucky,mucky” if I’m doing a glass-on. I like tools though and am always looking for an excuse to buy one.Mike