Fin box help - Please?

Sorry to sound kookish, but do I rout and insert, before or after glassing?

after. and squeeze some wet out cloth in their too. it will be a lot stronger

Thanks you guys - yeah, I had the cloth idea. What do you think about using a cabosil paste? Or chopped glass? tO

I’ve only put in normal boxes and fcs plugs, but I’ve used cabosil/microballoon paste for a long time with no come-backs. It’s also lighter than resin/glass. Just make sure you carefully pick out the foam under the edge of the laminate and down in the corners. A bent three inch nail does a good job. And make sure the box is clean and rough sanded. I’m not sure how thick paste you might use, but if you do it this way make sure to hand slurry prime all exposed foam and the box.

Chopped glass is the ticket. Cabosil, Q-cell are fillers and don’t add any significant strength. There’s also some information in the archives about strengthening boxes with cloth, microballoons, and mini-stringers. Good luck!

If you are using a box that needs strengthening then perhaps you have chosen the wrong box. Your choice. And as a general rule microballons and fabric are not a recommended mix. Good luck.