How far from the tail should I put the 10.5" finbox on a longboard? Thanks, Håvard
Is this a single fin or a 2 + 1 setup?
Is this a single fin or a 2 + 1 setup? Good question. Got me stunned and thinking there for a while
It’s primerily a single fin noserider, however(depending on how it rides) I might throw in some fcs plugs just to check it out. regards, Håvard
Here’s a trick, well sorta. Take your hand and place your thumb on the center of your stringer on the tail, now take your second finger and reach as far up the stringer as possible. The tip of your second finger is where the back end of the box should be. This is of course using my hand, which is a tad under the average in size. And that measurement is for say a 10’ noserider. If you want something smaleer then out the end of the fin box a bit more toward the tail. Hope that helps.
Others might disagree but I would place it about 5" which is a little further back than what you would probably want for a single fin, but is in the ball park with a 2+1. If you put in the 10" box and as long as your fin does not have a huge base you should have plenty of adjustment to dial it in. As far as your front fins I like mine at around 14" up from the tail (this is for the small templates common on a 2+1). What I’m getting at is to place your box so that you are in the ball park with either set up.
Others might disagree but I would place it about 5" which is a little > further back than what you would probably want for a single fin, but is in > the ball park with a 2+1. If you put in the 10" box and as long as > your fin does not have a huge base you should have plenty of adjustment to > dial it in. As far as your front fins I like mine at around 14" up > from the tail (this is for the small templates common on a 2+1). What I’m > getting at is to place your box so that you are in the ball park with > either set up. Thanks, Håvard