Just finished shaping. Been reading in the archives and some manuals to prepare laminating. One thing isn’t clear. Should I place the fin box (Fins Unlimited) before laminating or after? What are the pros and cons?
I’m wondering if i can put the box in wrongly, is there a top and bottom side or is it the same?
Lee, Your method makes lots of sense, but the info I’ve read says to install after the hotcoat. Same with FCS plugs. Do you have problems with the foam dust sticking to the already sticky lam resin? Doug
Good question actually. If you don’t plan on capping the box, rout after hot coat.
But I believe EVERY box should be capped, so install box after lam coat. It’s been stated by some famous glassers that you shouldn’t lam, then hotcoat, then lam again. I do, but still…
When you cap, you add 2 extra layers of glass over the box. Adds kinda lots of thickness. Now imagine a hotcoat under it…adds more. Then you still gotta sand and feather in the whole menagerie.
One more question. So I place the finbox in the board till the little knobs (Fins Unlimited), the box will stick out a bit? Then place two layers over it and after hotcoat I can sand the whole thing even with the board (untill the knobs dissapear)? Is this right or should I sand the finbox part before hotcoating?
the “knobs” are used to alighn the box, using the bottom surface as guides.
I’d sand it off before installation, and put a fin in the box, tape off the opening, and use the fin for alignment. Tape the tip of the fin to the rail of the board, to keep the box straight.
Don’t forget to sand a little bevel into the opening of the fin box before you install the fin just before surfing it.
And read up on the discussion about 2" foam and fin boxes, woodies, and installations.