Fin boxs

Aloha Braddahs - can we get the latest news about fin boxs? Is FCS on the way out? Are Proboxs the new best thing. I have FCS on all my boards - they seem to be the lightest available. I have some blanks sitting here needing an order of fins. I live in Hilo and need an island source???


for ProBox fins and boxes in Hawaii contact Mitch or Robin

Mitch Haynie -

Robin Mair -

You can still use your FCS fins. Larry out here in California was telling about bringing out a new line of lightweight composite fins.


Howzit chrisupp, FCS isn’t going any where’s , they are to big and have the biggest share of the market these days. ProBox is coming on big time and the pervious post has the contacts you need if you want to go that way. Not sure just which fins you are looking for but you can PM me about getting FCS fins. Aloha,Kokua

I wouldn’t say FCS is ‘‘on the way out’’, far from it. But there are other choices.

FCS is the lightest, and they’re substantially lighter than some other systems.

The new Fusion is the lightest glass-over system as well.

Like a lot of things in surfboards, there may not be a ‘‘best’’. It depends on applications

and personal preference to a great degree.

From my perspective the new generation of fin boxes from FCS are a huge step in the right direction.

The board is now routed for each pair in one step. The box itself will accept a resin surround that will increase their structural integrity with the board itself many fold from what the weak old plug cut installation provided. In addition they can now be capped very effectively during the lamination process. Once done I feel they will move the board shelf and core as it flexes and contorts while loading during turns better than anything any system I’ve seen. I’m sure that they are also as light or lighter than any other fin box system presently available.

There are other advantages to the system but I’ve said enough. You see I just don’t trust the boys at FCS cause they have a real bad track record in these parts.

I’m looking forward to see how they support and move with some new flexible board foils and fin designs I’m looking to collaborate on in the near future.

weather pattern breaking here ~ looking forward to gearing up the fin shop this Spring. I have lots of new ideas to mill out.

No Worries, Rich