I guess this question is best posed to Lokbox but I’m interested in what anyone else has to say as well.
I was looking at the Lokbox fins on the Rainbow site and the descriptions aren’t very detailed. The Lokbox site doesn’t seem to show any fins for the fish.
What are the dimensions on the “Fish Turbo” fins? Are they the same base and height at the std but with the curved tip? Are they double foiled?
Are the fins that Lokbox makes for Merrick different than the Lokbox branded ones? I notice that the CI site has a turbo and non turbo version and a wood inlay. Curious if the Merrick turbo is a turbo version of the Merrick fin or the same as the Lokbox Turbo.
Is it possible to get a wood inlay turbo setup?
And if anyone has experience in the water with any of the above I’d love to hear about it.
Hi Keeg, The fins shown on our homepage are the same templates as the CI just without CI logos. Soon there will be a tiny CI logo on those under the Lokbox logo so there’s no confusion. - www.lokboxfins.com
Any of our templates can be ordered in single or double foiled, or turbo version. No turbo wood inlay as of yet sorry. Most of the turbos being made are single foiled, but if you wanted double foiled they could be ordered. We currently have around 13 keel templates, soon to be added to both sites. When I get some time i’ll post up some pics. Thanks
a year ago I made some curved wood side fins , which I glassed , so I suppose they may have qualified as “wood inlays” !
Now I am starting to get a bit of a clue as to how to mould the bases , I intend to “resurrect” these [tabs broken] fins, and use them either on my fish , or in my finboxes in the “bonzer”.