Fin doesn’t look right

Hi I’m working on this Hansen a buddy brought by, said the fin hummed. Obviously this wasn’t the original fin. It’s an 11” fin that’s super swept. I was thinking of cutting the portion off that hangs past the tail, I bet that’s the cause of the hum, and putting a Greenough template to it. Thoughts?

That board must be gigantic, it makes that jeep look like a toy!!!
The only time I’ve had a hum from fins was when they weren’t sanded cleanly and had imperfections in the resin …ok a small run that I didn’t sand out because I wanted to try the board out!!! If everything looks good on that front it could be the design?

Fin certainly looks long enough to have a strong harmonic frequency.

Fins hum and do it frequently because they don’t know the words.


don’t cut it, this is how real men set their fins. feel the trailing edge for any inconsistency and tune from there.

Hello, i don´t know much about longboards but i guess the middle of the base of the fin should be where your feet goes when turning.
But again its a longboard and people walk all over it so maybe it makes sense.
i imagine the way it is set now it will drag a bit but give a very nice drive i would even like to test-drive it.
cheers and good waves

Fins can “hum” for all different reasons - vibrations due to twangy tips (perhaps too thinly foiled?) - I’ve also been told can happen when the leading edge is a bit too knifey - I thought it was the trailing edge being the problem but I was corrected by someone in the industry the leading edge can be the issue - may want to blunt it a tiny bit w/ some 220 grit paper? Your mileage may vary (YMMV).

Update on this fin that’s hung like Ron Jeremy , I’ve heard tip to tail never fail as a word of wisdom, cut it down… rode it still roared like a lion, foiled the shit out of it even more and not a peep out of it now.