fin halo?

any chance someone could give me some tips on how to get a nice clear halo around a fin like this one?

mine never seem to come out quite as nice…

rovings, resin, patience.

Hey shifty,

Austin does a nice job showing how to get that halo in a big “D” fin here:;post=351536;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;

Hope this helps


FYI the picture links seem broken from that thread…unfortunately.

I just saw a picture of someone doing one the other day but can’t find it now.

Basically they made a wooden form that the fin sat in and was the shape of the outside of the halo. Then they poured resin into the form.

I can view the thread pics fine… maybe you need to refresh your browser or something?


when you see a really nice halo, it’s usually just solid resin. Don’t hit a rock with it, likely it will experience a pretty gross shatter. A solid resin halo is easy to make…just use tape to make a “dam” and pool enough resin in there, then sand it to shape.

A roving halo is a little (a lot!) more work, and likely to trap bubbles if not careful. But it’s much stronger.

cheers. i got the shots from the first thread fine. here is my fin.

last time i just let 3 layers of 4 oz s-glass hang over the edge of the fin then poured resin on the overhang. then glassed the other side.

it just doesnt come out too clear this way…


cheers. i got the shots from the first thread fine. here is my fin.

last time i just let 3 layers of 4 oz s-glass hang over the edge of the fin then poured resin on the overhang. then glassed the other side.

it just doesnt come out too clear this way…

shifty - nice workmanship, beautiful fin! Did you create the template yourself, or trace someone else’s?

what is your location?

thanks. i live in torquay.

i ended up glassing it with 3 layers of 4oz s glass and it went too cloudy so

i scrapped it and started again!

next time around i think ill brush it with resin then do the halo then one layer of glass. should be a lot clearer this way. ill send you some shots if you like.

i traced the template of an old board i liked the look of.

its going on this.

what sort of timber is in that beautiful fin and where do i get some?


what sort of timber is in that beautiful fin and where do i get some?

If I could find some, I wouldn’t tell you.

Marc Andrenni made this one, I believe. He’s a master builder and recycler specializing in second use, native redwood.

Yours looks nice! Good luck on the bead.