I just shaped my first board and now im sitting idle wondering what to do… I shaped an EPS blank and now i need to seal, laminate, paint, and install fins… WHAT ORDER DO I DO THIS IN? ive cheked all posts about this and none go into what order, just how to do it.

P.S. sorry for the dumb question but I don’t want to srew it up. =(

I havnt used EPS myself yet, but you would seal first, then if your going to paint the blank you would do it next, then lam, install fins after then hotcoat

hello,just curious why you’d go epoxy right out of the gate…kinda scares me.

not a criticism but a question…is epoxy managable on a ""garage 'scale?

I havnt used epoxy yet, but from what Ive read that with eps you need to use epoxy instead of poly. Also to answer your other question about is epoxy managable in a garage, there are a lot of people here that use it. I would think it would be similar to poly, just takes longer to cure compared to solar cure resin. But like I said I havnt used the stuff yet, but I do plan to use it on my next board