fin layup

I’ve got some thick tooling glass (.035). could I build up a sheet of this for a fin or would it not foil well? I’ve never made a fin and don’t plan to but my friend wants me to lay up a sheet so he can. would I be better off using 6oz? roughly how many for a standard fin? he’s not making a flex but is it the lay up that makes the fin more flexy?

Hey JR, 36 layers of 6oz will put you pretty close depending on how your resin to glass ratio is. Use sanding resin. If you do a clear or tint layup you can do you layup inside and then put it in the sun. It’ll cure hard enough to work in about 2 hours. Make sure all the stickness out of the resin before grinding. Just check the run off and make sure it’s brittle. The fin will flex more across the diagonal weave of the cloth than perpendicular to it. You want the layup to be done with as little resin as possible to make the end product as strong and light as possible. If you doing an opaque color it’ll take longer to cure. I hope this is a help. Mahalo, Rich