Fin placement on 7" board (newbie)

Hey, this is my first board and not entirely sure about fin placement. The board is 7" and I’ve pencilled in the following measurements in image - does these measurements look okay to you more expereinced guys? Any advice is appreciated. Cheers.

Call me crazy, but there wouldn’t be much room for a fin on a seven inch board.

That was funny, Sammy.  1/2 inch tow in is an aweful lot.  I’ve never gone more than 1/4.  Mike

Dogdog. I agree with Rooster about the tow, 1/4" would be better! I’d stretch out the fin placement too, sides at 11 1/2" & centre at 3 1/2" Just my 2c worth, But definitely re- think the tow in…

On a 7’ board, 3/16" toe-in would be my max on the outer fins.  And if this were a five fin/quad setup I’d go 1/8" toe-in on the trailing fins in the quad set.

The fin cluster looks a little tight for a 7ft board.   I’d move the sides a little further forward.  

Your board turned out really nice!

Here’s a 7’ 4" square tail I built, I have the fins laid out at 4" off the tail for the back fin and 12.5" off the tail for the front, 1.25" in from the rail, and 1/4" toe-in, worked out well for me on this board.

There are tons of placements that work.

There are placements desinged with the fins  , that create something very few can imagine .



It likely that a minor edit (or edit, delete and save) was made to a 4-yr-old post in this thread by:

by greggriffin

Thu, 2020-02-13 00:31

Actually, after inquiring after it I found out it was some moderator action going on that did it, not anyone here posting to it.