Hi there, just wondering if anybody has any info on fin production. I’m interested in making my own fibreglass fins and have made a few sucessfull ones but i have trouble in machining the bases to fit standard fin boxes. Are the fin boxes slightly tapered on the inside edge to “wedge” the fin base snuggly into the box? some of my fins have a little play when in the box, which is soon sorted out using tape, but this is no answer to a poor fitting fin. If any body can help with explaining the process of machining a successful fin base then it would be of great help.
Also just as a thought, how do the big fin companies produce such beautifully finished fins which are hand finished? for such a low price. They’re such precision foiling and every one is the same and fits the box perfect every time, buggers!
any answers would be much appreciated.
Olly Cornwall Uk