Fin Question (Not spam!)

Anyone tried these fins in the New Future under glass fin boxes???
Should work im thinking , like the idea of the future style boxes…

Ive seen and held them but Ive never used one. I’m Sure it will work.

I’d skip it and get a set of kimanu (sp?) bearings and run them in a good fin if you want no screws.

They work just fine. Good positive engagement.

From Dave Town:

I can’t remember if you are using the Kumano System Bearings.

These work well with the longer base fins when you start making them for a box.

Thanks guys , pretty unfamiliar with at the whole box thing as im a short boarder… The Kumano site looks good though but trying to use what i can locally (N.Z) which is always bit hard when it comes to range of options Fins and systems included.
Good to know that it’ll work with the FCS going into a Futures box.
Making a duo (purchase inspired) board so thought it would be a good option.

I would avoid that fin or in your case fins if your gonna be running two of them.

In my experience with multi-singlefined boards you don’t want flex or slop.

If for some reason you get a little slop in the fin/box you have no way to rectify it. They leave you no tab option , you just have to buy new fins.

Just something to think about.

Once your fins are set, they are set. - one session with a screwdriver on the beach and your golden.

Yeah thanks Wideawake , good advice regarding movement. always prefer the grub screw systems to FCS11 myself so maybe ill go with the future box but with a traditional fixed box fin…