hi guys! Ive been lurking around the forums to find some info on flex fins but after all the research, I still need the advice of all the fin gurus out there…
thats a link to my original post on surfermag, it has some pictures of the board ill be using the fin with…
im planing to use the board as a single fin until the waves get about shoulder high, when it gets that big ill probably use it as it is set up in the pic, 2+1…
I was at mitch’s the other day looking at different fins and im kinda stumped on which flexy fin to get, theres so many and I cant try them all. Which is probably everyones dillema.
anyway would you guys recommend a fin with alot of rake like the tk flex and norm flex or one with less rake like the frye or L-Flex?
also what sizing should I go with? for my purpose of riding it under shoulder high waves
dunno what that means , but if you check your “messages” box up the top , and click on that , I sent you a “private message” mate …I hope you got it ? [and I hope it’s of use ?]
Somewhere around 8.5" raked flex, if you want flex! Flex fins usually better with some juice and power in the waves. In small waves, YOU turn it, not you feel it.
Sometimes a stiffer fin is better for the waves, sometimes a flexier fin, it depends what you want.
That’s why they offer so many different shapes and styles!
Which girl is perfect for you? Do you know, or do you just hit the one that comes along?
Which hat is best?
Which car for you?
You gotta start somewhere, then by process of elimination, get headed to some direction, which could change 180 degrees in a second.