Fin ride number and placement

Looking for information that could relate fin placement with future fin ride number. As of now I setup my fin placement based on how the board is suppose to surf. So I have a general location for quads and thrusters and i adjust slightly from there. I have never thought of adjusting fin placement based on someone ones weight before. I have never put any thought into the persons weight and adjusted cant, cluster, or position for the fin placement. Have I been doing it wrong all this time?

I have never played with the Mckee quad placement, as I was understanding they felt more like a thruster. Is this trueish? 

Sorry if this has been posted already couldn’t find the forum search engine


Why would you want to give any thought to rider size hight weight and how it could effect fin placement rocker bottom contours etc? That would be custom surfboard building and you would not want to do that, would you?

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