fin size for egg shape

Dear friends, I’m about to finish a 7’ egg and I’d like to know what fin size and positioning I should apply. I want a trifin setup, but the variety of fins and sizes are going to make me mad! Thanks in advance

On the egg wich is on the showcase I glassed a 8.5 TK. flexfin from rainbow, but this is a single fin board. On a tri fin you can go a bit smaller, I would suggest a 7 or a 7.5 If you wanna read more about a flexfin, visit the Liddle site. You can find the TK flexfin on the rainbow site. Good luck. Peter.>>> Dear friends, I’m about to finish a 7’ egg and I’d like to know what fin > size and positioning I should apply. I want a trifin setup, but the > variety of fins and sizes are going to make me mad! Thanks in advance