finfoil: CNC machining and airfoil profile import

I’ve been absent for a while, but I’m back spending time on finfoil!

I’ve implemented support for the UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database:
If you build the latest from source, you can alreay use this feature:

And am now implementing g-code generation directly from .foil files, without intermediate STL export or clumsy CAM sorftware.
This feature will be made available through the webserver like STL export, but will not be free of charge.
Some early results:

More at:

This is just a heads up for what’s coming.
If you’d like more info or do some early testing feel free to contact me through private message or via

Any comment or idea is welcome.

And how embarrassing that you did not even get any replies to this most interesting post.
I was way too busy having fun with making finFoil made fins, so much that I did not even check Swaylocks posts for interesting stuff like this.
Twitter: I cannot figure out how to extract anything useful from the posts. I think I’m allergic to it! HAHA.
Re: UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database integration: That’s definitely cheating now!
I thought it felt like cheating when the foil could be copied with the picture import function. But at least I had to drag a few dots around the screen for a minute, to give me the impression that I was contributing something useful. Now, you just click on a link? Where is the limit? Too Easy!
Please feel free to drop a link into any of my fin Foil related fin making threads when you post updates about finFoil, or send me a pm or email, so I don’t miss it, please.

quote from 3D printing fins thread.

That is very nice Hans. I admire your progression from plots to STL to G-Code.

Is there any consensus on how to CNC fins?
Use a foam like D-cell for a core, cut an undersized blank and layer up glass?
Use a wood or other core?
Lay up a glass sheet and cut?
Do box fins out of sheet plastic polycarbonate?

Hans, well done on getting this feature in.
I have to get back in the shed cutting stuff on my CNC now!

Hey Hans,

the CNC Option is an awesome Feature. I have a small DIY CNC router and would love to do some testing.
So far I used SolidWorks to design and machine fins. Two have the feature in finfoil would make it much easier. Maybe you can implement the machining of the base as well.

Hi Sebastian,
I welcome all testing and reviewing, feel free to request gcode for your designs via

My gcode generator needs the following parameters, so include them in your request, otherwise it will be my first question to you :wink:

  -d [ --diameter ] arg         Tool diameter in mm.
  -o [ --overlap ] arg          Minimum overlap as percentage of tool diameter.
  -t [ --thickness ] arg        Material thickness in mm.
  -j [ --jog-height ] arg       Jog height in mm.
  -f [ --feedrate ] arg         Feedrate in mm/min.
  -p [ --plungerate ] arg       Plunge rate in mm/min.
  -s [ --step-down ] arg        Step-down in mm.
  --base-depth arg              Depth in mm of the optional base.
  --base-thick arg              Thickness in mm of the optional base. If not 
                                specified, the base profile gets extended to 

I will be happy to generate you the gcode in return for feedback, and posting pictures :slight_smile:

Kind Regards,

Hans, do these values look plausible? They might work for many small CNC routers
d=3.2 3.2mm 1/8" diameter tool (flat end mill)
o=25 min overlap= .8mm 1/32" (stepover 2.4mm 3/32")
t=7 stock thickness 7mm .275"
j=13.4 retract height 6.4mm 1/4" over stock
f=1700 <=70ipm
p=250 <=10ipm
s=1 depth per pass 1mm .040"
b(d)=13 13mm .51" for tab fin (FCS, Probox, Gearbox, Ausfinco)
b(t)=6.4 6.4mm .252" for tab fin (FCS, Probox, Gearbox, Ausfinco)
m(c)=50 not sure but would like some optimization

Yes you got it.

I removed the minimum cut from the list, this is something that I’ll tweak. The smaller it is the more it optimizes except for when put to 0 (a bit counter intuitive maybe).

The base thickness should be halved if you intend to cut two halves. If you are going for single foiled you take the entire thickness.

Hey Hans, this is really cool!

Glad to see you’re still improving this already impressive bit of software.