Finish Sanding a CNC cut blank, but filling it iin first

Great Huck and MattW ! Keep 'em coming.

To think you are the smartest person here in mathamatics, engineering, fluid dynamics, etc. and have suddenly figured out the rainbow unicorn surfboard company… You are gravely mistaken. We have many mathematicians, engineers, etc, with years and years of experience building boards. Wouldn’t it be nice to build on that knowledge base? But instead you pull the Millennial attitude know it all stuff. If you take away anything from this Thread its this: Check back with us after your 50th board, then 300th board, then check back and tell us about your 1000th. I will be waiting to here your reflection on this post, maybe we will have a good laugh…but I digress

Without surfing your creation I have no way of telling. This thread was about your build execution, which as far as I can tell by the picture (BTW… Horrible posture, fantastic smile) of the Rainbow Unicorn, was an abomination.

Keep posting them boards up, and watch that YouTube on board building. I await you progress… But then you are already at the top of your game…Typical Millennial

So welcome to Swaylocks Mr. Physics God.

Fun to see a chain yanked once in awhile. Sad part about this dixie cup is that we actually tried to help him before we started noticeing the brown color of the water and the offensive odor.

Now that’s a dilly!

Squirt $#|t after a cat food sandwich I assume.

Carve Fancy???

Not being negative BA-BA. Just don’t want to see you suffer any anecessary injury. Like a strained groin, Colitis or something.

He said this board has been in the works for 5 years. So when hes ready to show and tell his 50th board we will all be, well…Dead.
HHAHAHA. I would be hiding in the foliage if someone wanted to take a picture of a crap board I built too.
This guy has absolutely no shame, as well as common sense. If this is not a serious thread, it was created solely to deeply embed itself under the skin of some of the nice folks who kindly take time from their day to help us folks with legitimate questions who appreciate the responses given. I can make a sentence run on with the best of them.

This must be the guy posting all the spam