Finished boards 1 and 2

Hey everyone,

I finally finished my first 2 boards. A 6’6" 18 3/4 2 3/8 tri fin and a 5’10 19 1/4 2 5/8 twin fin. The Glassing for both boards is 2 6 oz on deck and 1 6 oz on bottom. I had these boards for about a year and a half and finally got them glassed with the help of Brighton Beach Surf Shop and Wave Hog. THey were both clark foam. I am really exicted about these boards (and hoping to make more) and thanks to Swaylocks with all there helpful info. Without Swaylocks i dont think my boards would even float. I am 15 i live in NJ and i can honestly say that this has been one of the most enjoyable and rewarding things i have done in a long while. Please leave any suggestions on what i need to improve on and what i should do differnetly.

Dave Engels

Great looking boards, Dave. How do they ride? Mike

nice job. see how the boards ride, and figure out what you might want to do different next time around. maybe take some more thickness out of the tail end, and foil it out to the rails a little more. find some waves and see what’s what…