Well after doing a google search I came up with this link which is a models site that uses future floor polish to finish off their model cars and thing.
It lists all of the future’s equivilent product names from all over the world.
In OZ its about $15- AUD for a 1 ltr bottle from bunnings, woolworths and coles
I just did an epoxy longboard with future. It’s pretty cool/simple…but doesn’t have the depth of a nice pe gloss coat…then again, I lost fewer brain cells doing it and I’m a hobbyist who’s not too hung up on perfection (mostly cuz I’m not capable of it!). pic below:
the only way is an speed finish coat…in a previous thread I told you what type is the best (why the best?, because is elastic and for plastic surfaces)
all these acrylic floor is a waste of money and time
check your floor how many time you ve got that finish?
if you want to experiment, ok
but if you want proved stuff, you need a double H Coat, a Gloss or a good speed finish coat
First it comes down to a good quality sealer…there are several types…concrete types are the most durable and longest lasting…a good floor sealer will work just fine for most applications.
A clean fine sanded surface…apply product with a cotton t-shirt type material or my fav a sponge.
Apply 3-4 thin coats letting each coat dry completely.Lightly scrunge pad between coats.
Apply a car sealer or wax (pledge furniture polish)and lightly hand or machine polish…That’s it…I have had many comps on my finishes.
If you want more details as to what and ? ask away.Herb
While on this subject (once again) anyone have experience using Minwax Polycrylic water-based sealer? I just bought a jug on sale at walmart. Figured I’ld ask while the subject was brought up.
how about dolphin skin…isnt that some sort of sealer, never used it though.
i see two kinds, the acrillic sealer, and cutter protector(whatever that is)…
any body know what the difference is between the two?
i normally double hotcoat, or gloss… but im sure there are quicker, cheaper,lighter ways…to achieve the matte/sanded look…(but nothing beats a real gloss/polish)
but i dont really like the board to look like its has some sort of clear spray on it. i know scotch brite takes that away for the most part…
so lets hear whats the deal with dolphin skin…and the difference between the 2 types…if anybody knows, and i know someone does…