After showing up with a crew of 10 to 12 and a couple of movie makers …and a week or so of bad manners in and out of the water…a night wind blew their fins right out of their fin boxes never to be found again…next time guarenteed that wind will blow much sooner.
Most of them were not bad and I think they were embarressed by the antics of two of em. See Jay for more info.
Next time I See Jay and his entourage, I’ll give him a ration about missing fins. They should really learn to tighten them li’l screws.
They came way up north one day summer before last. Weird how it takes 6 or 8 extras to make sure a couple key guys get “their” waves. Like the NFL or something… could have thrown a flag on every play if anyone cared to.
Too bad there weren’t any strong winds that day. Maybe next time, there will be.
People were really upset with this cj and his manic buddy from Creme surfboards. There will likely be some buzz on surfline about all this and more than a few people were going to write to his sponsers…pierce arrow or what ever it is. They don’t know how lucky they were to get away without some serious tuning.
I did however like the fingernails(black polish) …but the surfing while athletic and talented…was boring after 3-5 minutes or so.
It’s beyond me how anyone could get out of line at 2nd point, which is a mellow longboard wave. I guess it is not enough for people to make a living off of surfing; they need to go the extra mile and ruin surfing for the rest of us that work non-surfing jobs to surf.
They came way up north one day summer before last. Weird how it takes 6 or 8 extras to make sure a couple key guys get “their” waves. Like the NFL or something… could have thrown a flag on every play if anyone cared to.
Woe betide them if they try that sort of carry on at Raglan or parts of the East Coast.
Sawn off as well as removed from the boxes… look at the bases of the black and red fins…
Now that’s as funny as …
Those aren’t sawed off that’s just the unpolished fiberglass in the base. All fins with dark opaque tints and unpolished bases look like that after some use.
It is super funny and I vote for more actions like these. Please ask for my collaboration.
Yea e-pac…thats the leader of the bipolar pac. I had a 45 min. conversation with him in the bar…where we agreed to try to get along…and to trade boards etc. Next day when I offered my board …he looked shocked like maybe he did not even remember the conversation…or how can I perch on the tip of that pulled in nose or…who knows what goes on…I honestly believe there is some kinda mental issue that only is treated with substances of his choice…anybody read the Michael Peterson story?
There was an incident where after back paddling an old gent from Oregon…he caused a collision where a board was heavilly damaged(guy paddling out)…the gent paid big bucks to the paddler…cj shudda paid. Maybe if those fins are around they should be sold to re-imburse the guy.
Kind of funny to read the guy ranting on the blog… good frekin god, just surf and let surf. If you can’t get’em maybe you don’t deserve ‘em… Where’s my freakin’ posse!!! Oooooo, once I figure out that Aqua Man thing, I’ll have all my “brother” pinapeds run interfearance for me! Ha! Or, just one whale! Yeah baby, don’t flick 'em to far…