
Where can I get FCS fins at a decent price? Foam EZ wants $51.50 for a set with plugs. I am reluctant to buy anything from Foam EZ, seems like they over price everything. What’s the normal price for FCS fins? Fiberglass Supply has Futures fins and I’m thinking about using them because they’re cheaper(around $25). What about Redx fins anyone use them or know how much they cost?

Where can I get FCS fins at a decent price? Foam EZ wants $51.50 for a set > with plugs. I am reluctant to buy anything from Foam EZ, seems like they > over price everything. What’s the normal price for FCS fins? Fiberglass > Supply has Futures fins and I’m thinking about using them because they’re > cheaper(around $25). What about Redx fins anyone use them or know how much > they cost? Dave, I have used Red X a little bit. Considering my names on the patent. Anyway suggested reatil for a set of 50% Glass filled composite fins is $24.00. If you want to give Larry Block a call he can steer you to a glass shop in your area that are set up to install them. (805)583-0057. I’ll spare you the “unbiased endorsement”. But, if you want to know more about the system you can see are website at Or, I’ll be happy to answer any questions. Thanks foe asking! Tom

Dave,>>> I have used Red X a little bit. Considering my names on the patent. Anyway > suggested reatil for a set of 50% Glass filled composite fins is $24.00. > If you want to give Larry Block a call he can steer you to a glass shop in > your area that are set up to install them. (805)583-0057. I’ll spare you > the “unbiased endorsement”. But, if you want to know more about > the system you can see are website at Or, I’ll be happy > to answer any questions.>>> Thanks foe asking!>>> Tom dave- you’re being hosed. here in N. Fla we have the east coast distributor for FCS and you should be able to order fins w/plugs for under $30 including freight to the left coast. call surf source (904) 247-0808 and ask for dale or brian.

Surfsource won’t sell to you without a business license. At least that is what I was told last time I tried to order some, and I had been buying from them for about 4.5 years. They told it was because fcs was coming down on them because they feel that they are getting a bad name because the small time guys were installing them incorrectly. And that is straight from Dale. But yet I know a guy with an unrelated business with a license, and they sell to him no problem. What bullshit. They might change their tune with the economy the way it is right now. Everyone I have talked to is real slow. Clark has the most blanks I had ever seen last time I was there, and I’m not talking just after a shipment either. And laminators and sanders are bouncing from factory to factory trying to pick up what ever they can in my area. I wish them all well but FCS can kiss my ass. When they started up they were more than eager to work with anyone to get going, now they forget all that. When I get my glassing area worked out (I just moved), I’m going with red x. The Block guys have always been straight up with me in any dealing I ever had with them (I use to order inventory from them for my friends shop, now defunct). My two cents.

And again this is only rumor;FCS is planning on changing up there whole system, plugs,fins and all!! What’s the chances of getting replacements after the change over? I’ve put them in every which way to secure them better,and even then they still break! the plug walls in my opinion are to thin.Herb

Herb - I’ve been brainstorming a home made plug for personal use (with superchargers and FCS) I’ve been thinking about setting up a little rig that suspends the fins (with mold release on bases) inside of little cups. Mix up some white pigmented resin and a bunch of glass strands and fill the cups right to the bottom of the fin. My idea would be to kind of wrap the strands around the plug-in bases. After it sets, remove the fins, drill and tap for a set screw and you’ve got the plugs. Installation in the board would be the usual method. A bit of work but practically free.

Herb - I’ve been brainstorming a home made plug for personal use (with > superchargers and FCS) I’ve been thinking about setting up a little rig > that suspends the fins (with mold release on bases) inside of little cups. > Mix up some white pigmented resin and a bunch of glass strands and fill > the cups right to the bottom of the fin. My idea would be to kind of wrap > the strands around the plug-in bases. After it sets, remove the fins, > drill and tap for a set screw and you’ve got the plugs. Installation in > the board would be the usual method. A bit of work but practically free. John, I hate to be the harbinger of bad news. But, from your description it sounds like you have a plan for making mounting plugs that would be a direct infringement upon Brian Whittey’s/Fin Control Systems patent U.S.005464359A. “Each of the plugs 12 consists of a cylindrical part moulded from suitable material such as polyester and is provided with a rectangular slot opening upon the face 14. Each plug 12 is also provided with an obliquely drilled taped hole extending from the top and intersecting the slot 13.” Maybe you could use it after 2011.

Tom - f*#! that. Read my post - “for my personal use.” If I pour a couple of plugs for a board or two, believe me, it’s not even worth considering. What are they going to do? File a cease and desist order? OK, if and when that happens, I’ll stop doing it OK?

John,>>> I hate to be the harbinger of bad news. But, from your description it > sounds like you have a plan for making mounting plugs that would be a > direct infringement upon Brian Whittey’s/Fin Control Systems patent > U.S.005464359A.>>> “Each of the plugs 12 consists of a cylindrical part moulded from > suitable material such as polyester and is provided with a rectangular > slot opening upon the face 14. Each plug 12 is also provided with an > obliquely drilled taped hole extending from the top and intersecting the > slot 13.”>>> Maybe you could use it after 2011. You know Greenough came up with stuff like this 30 years or so ago and GAVE it to whoever showed interest in it.

Tom - f*#! that. Read my post - “for my personal use.” If I pour > a couple of plugs for a board or two, believe me, it’s not even worth > considering. What are they going to do? File a cease and desist order? OK, > if and when that happens, I’ll stop doing it OK? John, Please don’t shoot the messanger. I just happen to make a living working with many of the surf industry’s accessory manufacturers and manufacture Red X Fins. I have had to deal with several law suits and they are not fun. When I see people post things to a public forum that I feel expose them to potential grief. I make sure that they are at least aware of the ramifications that they are exposing themselves to.

George is the best!>>> Nothing personal ,but all this legal mum bo jum bo SUCKS!!! John,I will reply to your e-mail soon,I think I’ll go watch my newly aquired LAIRD video for now…that’s what it’s all about to me!Herb.

Tom - No offense towards you personally. I rarely make boards for other people and the few that I make for myself are usually ridden in places off the beaten path. My experiences with legal issues such as these is limited, but usually involve a preliminary “cease and desist order” as part of the protocol. For what it’s worth, that was my attorney filing the cease and desist against another party. Being that I haven’t even attempted making any of the plugs much less mass producing and selling them, I’d be very surprised if any legal types from FCS are interested in pursuing legal action. I’ll continue to do my own thing and if they become interested, I’ll take it from there. Thanks for the warning. In the mean time, being a former Napster user, I’m more concerned about the big shots from Metallica - I think they might be after me too!

If you can’t make a “cylindrical” plug make a square one!

If you can’t make a “cylindrical” plug make a square one! anyone remember the old Pres-lock system we used in the early 70’s? pretty simple a male plug some mold release it was so simple we were sticking fins all over the place ask Dale Dobson. Peter

I HAVE AN idea for a cylinder plug that will go around the original patient.It would also require NO tools to install or remove the fins,and you could still use you exsisting FCS fins. Sorry about the melt down yesterday WITH THE WIFE pressing me to start the business,and my kids running around me like buzz rats,you lose it sometimes. Tom, is just trying to help guide people away from some dire straits that could cause us some serious headaches. Who ever it was that recommended the Laird video, MY HATS OFF TO YOU !!!What a great show! I had a life long childhood friend that I got him involved in glassing.Tom Goffe became extraordinarily great at it,and in time went to the islands to work for the Hamilton’s.Sadly enough Tom died surfing tunnels the day after he was engaged to a local gal there.HE WILL ALWAYS BE MISSED HERE!!!but something tells he sitting here watching over me!God Bless ,Herb.

Hey fcs is goin out guys. Why don’t we just stop worrying about fcs. FCS sucks. They break easy and are expensive. That is just not a good fin system. As someone said before they are controling the product too much. This is hurting a lot of shops and shapers. They only want certain people to have their product and that piss’s me off. They are trying to be like a mofia. Why don’t we all just got to a better fin system. The best one out now is REDX. It is super super strong and is a little cheaper than fcs. How can you beat that? Well it gets even better. Larry Block is the man and will sell to people. Hes not trying to be a mofia, just running a business. We should on a fcs strike and all switch to REDX. FCS sucks!!!