FinTech Fin Systems

Hi Rog,

Found this post from yonks ago.

however I just recently lost a fintech fin (left side on thruster).

I would be keen to get a replacement if you still can find any lying around.

Cheers Tim

Hi Timp. I was doing a search for Barry Jolly and found this website forum. I was simply blown away this thread after soooo many years is reactivated by your good self. 

I had already found Barry’s addy but after looking around this forum I find it a very interesting place and decided to join. I once made timber veneered surfboards until I discovered the Chinese could not be contested in such a labour intensive op.

Anyway after a few years of disspondence  I think I want to go to China and teach them my tecnique. I believe Barry is working there and it pays to know at least one other that speaks English. 

If ya can’t beat em, Join em! :wink:





Glad I could be of assistance Quanta.Have you got any fintech fins?


Had a few once but after the odd purge they are now land fill i think. A bit dark out there in the bone yard but I’ll have a scout tomorrow and let you know. 


If you fail to hear from me … that would be a negative. :wink:

Hi was wondering if you still have fintech fins left please.cheers billy

Wondering if you have any of those fins left? I notice your post was from a while back! I’m looking for a side fin or a set of you happen to have any. They say Fintech Fx6.
Would love to get the old board running