I doubt most members here are following the retail boards that closely. We mostly do board building here, not board reviews on what the mass producers are building.
Your first built-not-bought board isn’t going to build itself, you know. Even if you don’t pick it up as a habit or preference, building a couple boards on your own will teach you a lot about design elements and make you a much more informed consumer when you do buy boards from other people.
Surfing a board you built will also add another dimension to your surfing experience, too. A board doesn’t have to be perfectly shaped or glassed in order to be fun. Much of the surfing experience is mental, not just physical.
I had a 9-6 Walden Magic epoxy/EPS it was very easy to catch waves and ride. I sold it to a friend for $300 several years ago and still haven’t got a nickel out of him. I finally said can I at least have my fin back, he said it was stolen. The amazing thing is he’s still my friend lol. He had some opioid addiction issues so I cut him slack, just happy he beat that demon. I digress. Walden Magic is a good shape for your needs. Sorry about the injury, hope you can stay out there in the lineup having fun one way or another!