First Board, shitty pictures at the end

alright. so no gain in doing them separatly? and would I wrap them both around the rails, or just the 4oz.? I planned on doing one layer 4oz and one layer 6oz on the deck side. now that I messed up the bottom lam, does it make sense to lap them both around the rails? 

in case I only wrap one layer around would I take the 6oz and keep the 4oz only decksize?

I am sorry for all these questions. I promise my 2nd board will be better! :smiley:

If it were me, I would lam the deck layers separtely.  It is easier to saturate one layer then two.  Time is your enemy when you are new to this.  You can do 2 layers at once but it increases your risk since it will likely take you more time.

ok. so laminating in 2 steps would be alright? but how then? wrap both layers around the rails? or just the 6oz? 

one more question. would a sander like this work? that is all I can get access to right now…

Yeah doing 2 layers separately can be tricky … my thought was to minimize the bump/uneveness along the rail line/lap and subsequent sand throughs later… further weakening the rails.

I just read previous post that you’re doing a 6 & 4 deck so weight probably not a big factor for you, so I’d do the double layer at once like Barry described.  Trying to lay 2nd layer cloth over a sticky lam without a hanging roll of cloth is probably not something a first timer wants to be involved with haha


you could make a sander like that work if you have to, but at this point use it only to take down the box caps. unless you’re skilled you have a ways to go before any kind of powered sanding is going to happen. stick with hand work until surfacing agent comes into play.  

keep in mind this is .02 from a backyarder


  1. ok. I understood and will do both layers at once. should I wrap both of them around the rails? or keep one of them strictly on the deck?

  2. when I am done laminating should I sand the whole board before hot coating? and what grid sanding paper do you use for that step? 

  3. so sanding the board by hand between laminating and hot coat will do? 


The Bosch sander in the photo is Extremely Aggressive when used as set in that picture.  Note the red switch on the side is set to the foward “attack mode” setting.  If you try to use it like this and you haven’t done it before, you are going to do some damage to your board!  (On the other hand if you are experienced enough this is a great machine, probably as rapid removal with vacuum takeoff as anything I’ve ever used).

You’re better off hand sanding for a while, given how those rail laps turned out.   Have fun, every mistake is a good learning experience!

“nuff said”

With Futures does anybody put glass into the routed slot before inserting the finbox? Seems like a bombproof instal but probably overkill.


I can only speak from my recent experience and the way they fit is really tight. so for some glass in the boxes you would need to rout bigger holes…

I would like to know if anyone really does that?!?

alright! tomorrow is “make it right” day and after cleaning up my mess from bottom lamination I will laminate the deck…

considering the temperature stays the same should I just use less hardener? I have the silmar 249 poly resin and MEKP hardener. the minimum mixing ratio they advise is 1%. will I run into problems when using less than that? I was looking at .75% to give me some more time! plus we will work with a better/faster plan and 4 hands this time.

any advice is appreciated!

This specific bosch pro sander is by far the best one i have. I use it for all for 6 month now. Fast in roto orbital mode but tricky to use, hard to keep in your hand, and nice finisher in orbital only mode. If you can have one use it first in this orbital only mode then when you feel it nice you can go carrefullly in more agressive mode for first sand. Connected it to shop vac is really good. 

Laminating resin stays tacky so the next layer will bond to it. Does not sand well :slight_smile:

well, I laminated the deck yesterday and I am a lot happier with the result than before. it is far from perfect and not the prettiest but it is a full surfboard lamination. so now I am on to the hotcoat on Thursday…

  1. how good is the hotcoat in covering minor bumps?

  2. my squeegee got some dirt on the board, would it make sense to do a colored layer of resin before hot coating? (weight does not play a role) or should I just live with my imperfections?

  3. do you hand sand the rails after hotcoating?


If you have some bumps, pre-sand them before Hot Coat.

If ya don’t, you’ll hit cloth.

Try this trick.

Flip board bottom up.

brush Hot coat on laps.

flip board over and Hot coat deck w/ same batch.

Let it kick.

Imediately throw another hot coat over first one.

This gives you plenty of resin to sand and make flat.

Sand laps, Tape off bottom. Hot coat bottom.

Don’t forget Surfacing agent.

Don’t allow too much time between double hot coats.

Brush it on, cross stroke, then end to end.

Walk away. I can’t stress this enough. If you over stroke, it will not dry well! Walk away!

**Glückliche Schleif (Happy sanding).**

Sebastian-I hope it goes well. Does Barry’s advice make sense?-J

yes! barry’s advice is great! It ain’t the most beautiful board in the world but my girlfriend is more than happy! I can’t wait to get this in the water and test it out! I will definitely post pictures of the final build once I have finished the hot coat and the drilled in the leash plug! 

I forgot to pencil sign the foam, can I still sign on the lam before hotcoating? and if yes, what pen should I use?

Well, I finally got to finish the board just in time for my flight to Sri Lanka tomorrow morning. She may not be the prettiest and many of the pros will probably cringe at the many mistakes I made, but I have to admit that the feeling of starting and finishing a project like this is well worth the “struggle”. I can’t wait to get this in the water and test it…

I only have this one shitty picture I took for my ig account (I know!) but will provide better pics and a ride report once I have a chance.

A humongous thanks to everyone here who took the time to answer my questions and give advice, the patience people here show with repeated newbie questions is truely great. What an awesome community…

Hi Cbass, the board looks good, better than my first.  Maybe take a paper souvenier from Sri Lanka, sign it with your name and date, seal it, and glass it on to the board under a small piece of glass cloth when you get back. Have a nice trip. -J