I finished my first board. Big thanks to everyone here who gave advice! (I’ll post proper pics of the final board here and at hornmelon.blogspot.com in the next days)
The board is a 6’ quad fish, shaped from two glued sheets of Dow value-R polyiso faom, glassed with Greenlight bamboo glass and RR epoxy.
I tried the board for the first time last week, in a hh+ session at Ocean Beach SF. It surfs really well! I was superstoked for a day…
…Unfortunately when I took the board out again in the next day, the lamination cracked in the deck, see picture.
I don’t know what caused the crack - I didn’t hit anything, and nothing unusual happened. I’ve never seen a ding that looked like that - just a tear in the deck.
The lamination is 1 layer of bamboo glass (4.5 ounces) on the bottom, 2 layers on top, and three layers on the rail, thick hotcoat, not sanding after hotcoat and no gloss coat. The 3-layer rails feel bombproof, the 1-layer bottom can be pressed in with a finger, the 2-layer deck can be pressed in a bit if you apply a lot of force. Overall the board feels strong compared to other boards I have, and there was no denting of the deck whatsoever after the rather punishing first session.
What could be wrong that would cause this type of defect? I’m hoping some of you can recognize the problem from the picture.
Since it’s my first board, I can only guess… Was the resin/hardener ratio wrong? Do I need more glass for this type of foam? Did I sand too much before hotcoat in this spot? Another theory I have is that there was an airpocket in the foam that caused a failure in this one place. This isn’t high-quality foam - I noticed some smaller airpockets in other places while shaping, and the foam under the crack seems to be a bit pressed in. Another thing I noticed was that deck/foam adhession was not so good in the dinged area.
The next question will be how to fix this. If there was an airpocket or lamination problem in this particular spot, then I would fix it like any ding. If there is some overall structural weakness, then maybe I should add another glass layer, to make the deck as strong as the rails. Any advice would be most welcome!