First Board

I have run across a few threads concerning those who are embarking on the journey of creating their first board and it appears that quite a lot of swaylockers like to see what the new kids are cooking up. I figured I would document my own experience for my self, to provide some insight to other “virgins” and to welcome the wisdom and creative criticism of the veterans.

To give some background, because I know the Coelacants like to know who they are talking to. I live in Michigan, and as such do my surfing on lake michigan, because of this I have to take in to account the lack of boyancy provided by salt water. I’m 5’6 and about 120# so I dont think i have much to worry about.

My plan for the first couple of boards is to use two sheets of 2" thick 8’ by 4’ polystyrene foam boards from home depot. I am looking for experince and something to test my ideas on and as such I am trying to be cost effective. For those of you just starting your surfcraft research I will save you some time. For a foam core you have two options so to speak, Polyurathene and polystyrene. If you use polyester resin and polystyrene it will melt the foam, as such you will need to use epoxy resin. Epoxy is more expensive, however stronger and can be used with both types of foam.

I am still doing research on gluing the two foam pieces together and contemplating incorporating a wood “core” so to speak between the foam pieces. Thoughts and comments welcome- I don’t want to use a stringer, I know a lot of builders don’t use them and i feel that cutting the foam and then re gluing it together can change the dynamics and flex of the board/shape. Also by adding the thin layer of wood between the foam I would like to try and add the “flex” dynamic to my shape. As of now it is an idea as i really know nothing on the subject. But I love trying things just to see if they will work.

Now for the shape and specs. Hopefully everyone can see the attached pdf file.

        5'6, 19 3/4" wide, 1 3/4 thick (I want to put in a concave top and bottom. Thus i am not sure what the final thickness will be or how thick i want the rails to be. once again thoughts and ideas are welcome.)    Under these specs the volume would be 20.63 liters or 58.15 beers. Honestly this doesn't make much sense to me as i have not taken a physics class. I understand the basics so please no smart ass remarks. ;)  I know that I need to make sure the board can float me, isn;t too difficult to paddle but at the same time i want to avoid the "cork" feeling.     Tentatively the nose rocker is    3 3/8" and the tail rocker is 1 5/8"  

As a side note in the pdf file i didnt’ add in the concaves or adjust the rails. My plan is to have a 50-50 rail in the nose gradualy getting sharper towards the tail. From my research some say to begin with a sharper rail 1/3 or so from the tail. My plan is to begin sooner to help keep the nose from catching during turns.

Also the tail design is inspired from one of Bert’s designs. I have never seen the board but read about the S desin in another thread and this was inspiered by him. Thanks Bert.

        For those who have not heard or seen it the theroy as i understand it is that the smaller section of tail aids in turning quircker and faster while still having the wider area for stability, boyuncy and planing abilities and such.

As of now I am waiting on my epoxy resin to arrive and am in the process of buliding my stand. Best of luck to everyone in your endevers and I hope you find this thread at the very least entertaining. Will post pictures and updates soon.

Good luck on your first board. I just did my first this year and it was a great experience. I am about to start my fourth so i guess you can say I drank the cool aid.

Some advice from one novice to another- K.I.S.S. In other words, Keep It Simple, Stupid! I thought about trying to use home depot foam and glue it up with a rocker table but decided against it. It was a great decision. Your going to have a hard enough time just blending the rails even. Order an EPS blank from someone like Greenlight- You’ll be happy you did it in the long run.

Regarding the stringer- Your wood ‘core’ will add a lot of weight to the board and wont add much strength to the board. Most of the boards strength comes from the fiberglass cloth, not the blank or the stringer. The board will flex fine on its own. Another nice thing about using a conventional stringer is that it marks the center of the board. This will make it much easier to measure the width of the board and ensure that the two halves are equal.

Have fun with process, but keep it simple! If you’ve got any questions about my experience doing my first send me a pm.

Keep up the Stoke


Hello Newbie ,

I’m a grumpie old man who lives near San Diego. Nobody older than 12 years old rides aboard 1 3/4" thick. You need to research this.

I can get stuff mailed to me from ProBox or FoamEZ for about seven bucks. Much less than gas to drive there. One time I got some ProBox stuff from Hawaii and it was the same shipping cost as getting it from California.

I understand the “do it your self” thing. Save your money. Contact Foamez or Greenlight. Buy all your supplies at one time and only pay one time for shipping. Swegway makes great blanks and they ship all over. Resin research ships too. So does Probox. Do a search for Fiberglass Hawaii and Fiberglass Supply.

That $100 dollars you save by trying to make your own low cost blank will cost you more in the long run. You can do it…


Surf your way through this link…

“Nobody older than 12 years old rides aboard 1 3/4” thick"

I understand where you are coming from concerning the thickness, I have made a note of it and it is a concern of mine. The initial design specs where inspired by Rusty’s Toad. As far as volume is concerned the rails will help in that area. In any case I will probably take the advice given and keep it simple. Although I wont be able to surf until warms up so I have plenty of time to play with the designs. Thanks for the post and advice!