After countless hours reading and studying all of the swaylocks forums I finally decided to try a few boards out. Without this website I would never have attempted surfboard shaping. There is endless of information on here that is GOLD! thank you to everyone for the tips, tricks and useful information. You guys really know your stuff. Thhere is so much to know and learn and I just want my knowledge to grow.
I did a few boards, shaped them all then glassed them, etc. kind of “production” style. I Learnt that doing one board from start to finish would have been the best way for a beginner. Just so if you make a mistake you don’t do it to all of the boards, instead learn from one and that knowledge to the next board. But this is just one big learning experience and you learn from your mistakes if you don’t have a experienced watchful eye to guide you along in the process. There is so much to learn with surfboard building and take a long time to figure out. All of you guys on here have some amazing skills and through experiencing the process of board building it makes me appreciate the work I see on here and have a higher appreciation for a hand shaped surfboard.
Just want to say thanks for all the info you guys share with everyone!
Here’s some pictures of the boards. have 2 longboards still to glass but it has turned into winter here and will have to wait until it warms up again.
Any suggestions one the boards that you see or anything I would love to hear them!