So just for the hell of it, thought I’d try a door skin compsand on the hell cheap. Vac setup from a small compressor used as a foam marker on the farm, tubing from drench guns and bag off eBay.

Shaped board in ultra low density foam (prob 0.8 or something) cut 15mm off rails then surrounded in 3mm ply. Vacced doorskins on with Gorilla, trimmed to outline.

I have one short length of balsa I might use for the stingers and diamond tail, but as it’s a full budget build, thinking of cheap rails (and as light as I can get). I reckon more ply will be suuuuper heavy, so was thinking this offcut of HD foam?

Counter productive? It’s gonna be glassed lightish, maybe 4x4 or 4x2 with a fabric bottom.

Would/should I drill a few holes along the ply rail to adhere the foam on a bit better?

Attached is a pic. (Don’t look too hard, pretty rough!!)

I’m sort of building up to making a full paulownia board as it’s very expensive to get it to WA.

I’ll add that I found some strips of pine, which seemed hella light. But too narrow for the rail band shape, so I’d have to join them together some how to fit the rocker curve in and seems like way too much work…