First FCS plug fix

Hello all,

Im about to attemp my first FCS plug reaplacement, i blew out a side plug  which pulled out a 3 by 5cm piece of foaw with it. I have done a fear few reapairs with just lam resin and fibre but im going to go buy all the tools (q cell, gel coat, brushs… etc) to do a better job this time round. Im going to buy a relacement fin plug but i have got a question. The fin plug im buying looks different to the ones in my board. The fin plugs in my board ( and all other fcs plugs ive ever seen) have plastic that is flush with the surface of the boad, where as the replacement seems to have a lip which places the plug below the surface of the board (i have attached a picture to show you what i mean). Maybe they all have a lip and you have to full them with resin??? please help.

Thanks Nick


replacement fcsplug

The “lip” is just a small safety thing so no resin drops in your fin hole. When you are done with the repair you just sand down the lip to the bottom level of your board.

What are the small tabs for on either side?

Try that link.  It is put up by Foam EZ and is the FCS instruction manual.   Will explain everything really clearly.  The only thing different is you won’t use their pre-mixed resin.  Page 13 is their recommendation for mixing your own.  Page 18 is for repairs.

Cheers! how large is the hole saw diameter?

     Howzit nicknz, I believe it's 1 1/8 " but that is what my memeory tells me and I don't have my holesaw within arm distance to check for sure. Aloha,Kokua

Hi, the two little tabs either side are to sit the fin plug on the surface of the board so when you glue it in it raises it enough for you to sand down to the solid part of the box only removing the resin dam and a bit of the surface of the plug. This will allow the fin to sit nicely down to the surface of the board.

By the looks of things you have quite a large hole so the little tabs will have nothing to rest on, I suggest you get an old fin and connect the new plug to the front tab then insert the back tab into the existing good plug in the board. Make sure the fin is level and tighten the back tab up to hold it all in place, check again that you have a 5 degree cant or thereabouts and then pour your resin mix in and let it set.

Do a small patch of 4 ounce glass over the whole area connecting the new resin to the board once your done, this will add strength and stop any crack forming around join between the two that will let water in and then youll be back to square one:(

Good luck…