My name is Raphael, i´m 29 y old (and 155 pnds), from Brazil, and this is my first post..hope find some answers for my doubts and help others members as well.
I´m a purist a noserider and I really like the classic longboard surf (Tudor, M. Dora, DN, NY etc…)…I have a new board designed for noseriding and I need a help with the fin setup.
Dimensions: 9´6´´ x19 x 23 x 15 x 3´– Squash Tail
Concave on the nose going to a v-bottom finishing on a flat.
Well here in Brazil we can´t find real classic stuffs like fin´s, longboard´s etc…it´s very difficult find shaper´s with the correct knowledge about how to make a TRUE classic noserider longboard…too bad ;-(…well this new board it´s a attempt to do so…the best effort.
I surf the new board on this weekend and work´s better than my past longboard (9´2´´ x 18 x 22 x 14 ) but due a kind “aggressive” tail and nose rocker (the correct I think it´s very,very soft lift) and a small fin (I surf always´s singlefin) it´s kind difficult to travel great distances on the tip of he nose…I want try to balance those (wrong for me) “shape charecteristics” with a bigger an deeper fin.
Can someone please give me some tip´s about the best fin for noseride ? De we have some website with models and dimensions?
I considering buy on some on-line store (but it´s almost impossible import to Brazil the fin´s because the shipment costs) or if I have all the dimensions try to handmade.
Many thank´s for the answers and sorry for some language mistakes.
For a fin, you want it deep, stiff, a with alot of surface area. I make my own, and use about a 9-10 in depth, a 6 in base, and make it pretty straight so that it'll pivot. loodk on rainbow fin's website at the Junod lonboard fin, and their pivot fin. Both are excellent noserider fins.
about the shape...
It all depends on how confident you are at noseriding. If you aren't, you would go with a 19 in nose, 16 in tail, and 23 in width or so. this will work, but nose rides will be on the shoulder, and not really parallel to the wave. a 17.5 in X 22.5 X15 in board will noseride in the pocket, and will be parrallel. It is harder to noseride but not if you know what to do. Less nose rocker and more tail rocker is the key thing, along with round 50/50 rails for suction on the tail. Concave vs no concave is purely preference. Also, your noseride is as long as the wave permits. you can't just walk up there and stay there when you should have walked back already. it has to be at the right place at the right time. I hope this helps
Welcome to Swaylocks! I’m in South Africa, and have the same problem as you with finding traditional noseriding boards and fins - it’s all good though, 'cause it’s what started me making my own boards:-)
A big, fat fin makes a world of difference to how a log performs. I couldn’t find big enough fins here in South Africa, and ended up ordering online from the USA - in fact, the very fins astevens mentioned, the Rainbow Fins Michel Junod and pivot fins. (Yeah, shipping charges were crazy, and I should have ordered more fins to make the shipping worthwhile) Anyway, my experience with those fins is that the Michel Junod fin, with its larger base, makes my big boards come alive; while the pivot didn’t give the bigger boards enough drive. Pivot is ok on my smaller boards though.
If you want to make fin, there’s plenty of good info here on Swaylocks. Do a bit of searching - there’s a thread somewhere where Bing himself describes how they made the Nuuhiwa noserider fins back in the day.
Try Surf Source in Flortida. Good prices on their longboard fins. About half the cost of similar fins. To Brazil shipping from Florida should be reasonable.
Many thank´s to “astevens”, “tim_b” and"Mcding" answers!
I know we can find a bunch of posts like mine and you guys were really patients to read and response another one…
You gave me great infos aboute the fin´s and shape as well…now i ready “to ride on the pocket” with the best fin model.
So strange because here in Brazil we have a lot of great shapers (example is “Pacelli”, he have a shape machine “SD” and already produce boards do Lord Hamilton, Geret Macnamara and other great surfers) and excelent equipments (yes, we have a lot of great things besides rain forest, soccer,carnaval, caipirinha… kkk) but when we talk about real classic longboards…well…they all become big and heavy progressive longboards… ;-(…that´s why i focused on the fin.
Cintrael, check out our website. We have a few articles on how to choose a fin, and one specific to noseriding fins. If you are willing to pay the increased shiping cost, we will send fins to Brazil. PM me or email if you wish to place an order.
Hola, hello from Puerto Rico, I am also a latinoamericano and love noseriding. I have always wanted to visit your country, you have some of the worlds best slabs for tube riding and some of the most beautiful women in the world. I have also seen awsome pictures of Fernando de Noronha Islands. If I ever visit, I will be sure to bring my bodyboard for the slabs. As for noseriding spots, it’s a big country and I am sure there are some great longboarding points as I have seen in
Check out Tom Wegener’s article on “lift” it explains noserider design from a hydrodinamic perspective with nice little drawings. You don’t really need a wide nose or concace, all you need is low entry rocker, a kick tail, correctly proportioned 50/50 rails and a big fin. You want a board you can turn and place the tail inside the pocket of the wave so the water on the tail and the drag of your board can hold you on the nose. Of course you also need a long wave with a nice pocket. Check out Tom’s article somewhere on his page:
All his articles are great.
Also look at the articles on, especially Tom Wegener’s article. The TW article there helped my understanding of noseriding tremendously - especially on the different types of noserides, and the way different types of boards noseride differently.
Cintrael, check out our website. We have a few articles on how to choose a fin, and one specific to noseriding fins. If you are willing to pay the increased shiping cost, we will send fins to Brazil. PM me or email if you wish to place an order.
Hey there Larimer,
Many thank´s for the response..i already saw your website and found some great fin´s models...very nice ones...
The shipping cost i think it´s about USD 35,00, but we have the import duties´s really impossible to pay something about USD 200,00 on a single fin (imagine pay almost USD 400,00 on a fin *remeber we work with R$ here in Brazil...with USD400 i can buy a brand new twin-fin model way at all)
That´s a shame because we have a huge market for classic fin´s here in Brazil.
Hola, hello from Puerto Rico, I am also a latinoamericano and love noseriding. I have always wanted to visit your country, you have some of the worlds best slabs for tube riding and some of the most beautiful women in the world. I have also seen awsome pictures of Fernando de Noronha Islands. If I ever visit, I will be sure to bring my bodyboard for the slabs. As for noseriding spots, it's a big country and I am sure there are some great longboarding points as I have seen in Check out Tom Wegener's article on "lift" it explains noserider design from a hydrodinamic perspective with nice little drawings. You don't really need a wide nose or concace, all you need is low entry rocker, a kick tail, correctly proportioned 50/50 rails and a big fin. You want a board you can turn and place the tail inside the pocket of the wave so the water on the tail and the drag of your board can hold you on the nose. Of course you also need a long wave with a nice pocket. Check out Tom's article somewhere on his page: All his articles are great.
Hola Tonylion,que tal?
Thank´s for the Tom´s article...very nice!!!!
Oh yeah...we have some violance,corruption,financial some people say "third world", but we heve too a great compensation "the womans..." kkkk..and that´s for sure!
About the surf we have amazing spot´s too but most of the people don´t know it...all kind´s of waves, sand beaches, rock beaches even reef beaches...Fernando de Noronha it´s for sure one of the best barel´s you can find here in Brazil, but not the only one...
Well, most beaches we can find regular conditions of 3/4 feet´s all over the year (ok, summer it´s the worst season) with sand bottom...waves are kind "fat","slow" with usable formation and offshore wind´s, so very nice condition´s for glide on the nose... ;-) (the past longboard world champion it´s a Brazilian named Phil Raijzman...but progressive, not classic).
The hydrodinamic understanding like you see it´s the key...I really don´t have a lot of free time (besides weekend - i´m airline pilot)so a fast and conclusive article will sure help me a lot.