First ride on first board.

Just a quick one to share my stoke. I recently finished my first board with the help of many of you (

Its been a quiet few weeks in the north Atlantic and i haven’t had any waves to surf it in until yesterday. First session with a few chest high waves and it was awesome. The first was a great walled up right hander that just ran at a perfect speed for a bunch of lovely carving turns. It is a wave i will remember for many many years to come and its largely thanks to the knowledge and patience of sways members that i got to enjoy it. I had also forgotten how great a quad was to ride both front and backside.

Frothing from Ireland!!

Good Bro! Glad you’re happy. Get out there more and enjoy. As a surfer; Having a surfboard under foot on a long walled up peeling wave that you made yourself is “Ultimo”.

That’s what it’s all about!