First Shape

Hi Guys I plan to shape my first board soon. I can’t decide between a 10’ Noserider or a 6’10" shortboard as I need both in my quiver. I’m not too worried about the shaping. I am concerned about the glass job, in particular about getting bubbles around the rail. Which would would you recommend as a first project ?

I’d recommend the noserider. Even if you screw up and end up with a big ugly monster, it’s more likely to surf ok. A 6’10" might turn out just the way you didn’t want it. On the other hand, the longboard is much more work. Whatever you choose, good luck! regards, Håvard

You have an 8 foot hybrid in your quiver? Great place to start… You don’t want something too thin (less room for error), and you need something that will be OK with some weight - your glass job will be anything but light. The noserider is good - but it is a lot of foam to mow (don’t underestimate), and a lot of glass to wet before it kicks. I also recomend starting with 4 oz, it’s easier to manage the laps. If your bent on those two shapes, definately go big.

the bigger the shape the more room for error.

i would consider doing the shortboard first-seems like the blanks for them are closer to the finished product than a longboard blank.also, i would consider the season and where you, what type/size of surf do you expect to be riding in the next 4-6 months???that might be the best wy to decide…in any case good luck and have fun!!!

Do the small one. Much easier to do and if you f#@k it up too bad it’s less invested. Stay to the desgn of the blank as close as possible, you’ll make fewer errors. If you see a bunch of bumps don’t try to fix every one. You’ll just chase the bumps around the blank and never catch up with them. Allow your first few to be a bit less than perfect. The glass job will hide flaws in the shape. In time (after many, many) you’ll find your eye will be able to nail stuff that’s not right, right off