This is going to be my first time glassing a board. What tools am I going to need? Also I’m a little nervous about the fin setup. What is the easiest to do, glass-on fin or fin box? Should I use UV resin? —Michael
Also, if there is anyone in the San Francisco or Pacifica area that is getting ready to glass a board and don’t mind me watching how its done, please let me know. I’ll also buy you lunch! —Michael
wow…first things first: a good respirator, gloves, a workspace that is free from wind and the stuff wind carries, but ventilated so you won’t get built up vapors…and no sources of ignition. then you need a glassing stand, scissors, mixing buckets and sticks, squeegee(s), brushes, razor blades, masking tape, abrasives…clean, preferably white rags (avoid terry-cloth), solvents for clean up. i’ve heard lots of good stuff about UV - so check the swaylock archives on that. i would say installing boxes and plugs is easier…but i wouldn’t want that to discourage you from glass-ons, where strong and precise are foremost, and pretty will come later. it’s not bad to be a little nervous about glassing, do your thinking up-front…if you use MEKP instead of UV you’re on a timer and have to be very vigilant. if you’ve never witnessed the glassing process, doing so would really be of help. welcome to the club. may the fume genies be your friends!>>> This is going to be my first time glassing a board. What tools am I going > to need? Also I’m a little nervous about the fin setup. What is the > easiest to do, glass-on fin or fin box? Should I use UV resin? —Michael
Thanks for the info Ramon. —Michael
Thanks for the info Ramon. —Michael I’m not a glasser but I was a participant in some garage built boards a long time ago. My suggestion would be to practice on a few things that you can afford to make mistakes on. Like glass your garbage can lid-that kind of thing. That way you’ll have developed a sense of timing and what the materials feel like before you work on a precious shaped blank.
THe previous guy is right. Practice on something first like the rail scraps you probably cut out of your blank. I’m a one-timer myself and it is tricky. IF you live in Pacifica, like I do, temp control is key. DO you have a warm garage, heater, thermometer? PIck ‘em up. I stayed away from UV resin because as you know there ain’t much UV here, unless you use lights. PUtting it outside will draw dust because of our beloved (sarcasm here) NW wind. Let me know how your’s goes because I’m about to glass another in a month or so. chris .
make a shorter board. something a little cheaper to practice with. don’t waste the resin on trash can lids. just allow yourself enough time to smooth out both coats. you will develop the steps very fast. practice is the key…practice…