Fish Fins...FOIL??

What’s the expert’s opinions on double sided foil keel fins parellel with stringer or single side foil keel fins with slight toe in???

What’s the expert’s opinions on double sided foil keel fins parellel with > stringer or single side foil keel fins with slight toe in??? Aside from other factors, the former is usually faster and projects long turns from a slightly forward position with less effort (can also be interpreted as stiffer feeling), while the latter is more directive (will wind up into) into turns, looser and often encourages a bit more control from the rear of the board. Dale

Yes, the full foil in line setup has a higher top speed at the expense of some turning benefits (A lot of the tow guys are using this setup). When I use this setup on a fish I sneak a little V off the tail. For fish longer than 6 foot, I use V off the tail no matter what the fin setup is, more with the full foil straight set fins though.You can also use the full foils and toe them in about an eighth of an inch(best of both worlds kind of thing). An eight over a 7 or 8 inch base isn’t much. Remember that the original fish were Kneeboards and the turning mechanics were much diffrent than stand up. Knee riding has a lot lower center of gravity, so tracking was a lot less a factor. I have one of Lis’ old personal boards in my collection and it’s pretty much no nonsense get the job done sort of board. Straight fins with a single concave to flat. aloha, tom P.S. I wouldn’t mind hearing Magic Man’s thoughts.

…1)DOUBLE FOIL/PARALLEL;double foiled fins allows for better water flow,with less vacume-lift.parallel fins have smaller amounts of outboard drag,with less vacume-lift. …2)TOE N CANT/OUTSIDE FOIL ONLY;toe n cant allows for better turning,and helps create a vacume to provide lift.A flat inside helps maintain this continuious vacume between the fins.Lift=looseness,speed.Herb