Fish Fry - East Coast US ? Any interest?

With all the talk going around about the '08 AB3, European Fish Fry, and the Australian Fish Fry its left me feeling bummed out that the east coast has dropped the ball in setting up this type of event, to my knowledge anyway.

I’m not a industry guy, just a guy who likes to shape and surf, and I just wanted to test the waters to see what kind of interest there would be in a meeting like this? I am interested in setting this up so lets hear it. Let me hear some thoughts and opinions.


I’d definitely be into it if it were up in the North East. I’d bring some fish along too.

I tried to get a Swaylaholics East going a few years back. I got very little response. I’ll attend an event if it goes off.

Sounds good to me. Im shure you can get enough interest. Just put the word out early enough. Im in ocean city. Just finished this today.

Good idea! We might have to have two, one for you NE’ers and another for us Florida crew.

I’d thought about trying to instigate something down here. It would be fun.


Sounds good to me. Any chance we could wait until the water warms up a little? Not to sound like a wuss, but it’s cold up here! I’ll be sure to bring some fish and a ton of interested surfers.

Well, I’m going to start working on something. It would be for later this spring or summer and I will work on pinning down a location. Thanks for the response and I will post some updates when I get the preliminary planning done. Thanks everyone.


Hope this happens and hope I can make it!

Yup…last time interests was lost purty quicklyas I remember . Its to bad we have to dissect to east coast up to diffrent pods and not have a chance to all get together… OBX is close to the half way point with plenty of camp grounds and decent spring surf. Maybe we can make a long weekend of it…


To be honest with you I was kinda of thinking that. OBX would be a good point to meet. If its going to be spread out over a few days maybe we could even do some collaborative shaping and design, shape, and surf a few new boards all during the same event. I mean, with the Resin X i’m using now I can shape and glass a board one day and surf the next day. Spreading it out over multiple days would also make it easier for some people to get there too.

Lots of ideas and plenty of time to plan it. Lets keep discussing.


Sounds very interesting.

'scuse my ignorance, but where is OBX??

My usual haunts are Maine/NEw Hampshire, but might be worth a trip for such an event.


The Outer Banks of North Carolina.


Thanks Bob.

That would definitely be a road trip for me!


Though, if time/money permitted…I’d do it.

When I tried to do this I picked the OBX because it seemed like the most centurally located place with consistant waves. There is a camp ground there called Frisco Woods. I misplaced all of my contact information so I have nothing to foward to you, but Google them and see what you come up with. I’d be willing to help when you need it. The East coast is a big place and you won’t please everyone. The idea of having smaller more local gatherings may work. Im also from NJ a pre -gathering may be in order. About a year ago the guys from NY wanted to get together and it never materialized. Maybe now is the time. PM me and we’ll talk.

Not to hijack the thread, but why not just have a fish fry on Oahu? That way people from all over will have another excuse to take a trip to Hawaii. (and I won’t have to go anywhere.)

I’d be willing to help you guys organize it, depending on what date you pick. I’ll be gone from mid feb until mid march, then in the first week in june. Just a suggestion - The last time we talked about an east coast fry, the problem was getting enough shapers to commit. What about holding it in either daytona or new smyrna around the september tradeshow in orlando. This way we could convince some of the west coast guys displaying at the tradeshow to show up with their latest and greatest? Just a thought. Cheers


I’d be willing to help you guys organize it, depending on what date you pick. I’ll be gone from mid feb until mid march, then in the first week in june. Just a suggestion - The last time we talked about an east coast fry, the problem was getting enough shapers to commit. What about holding it in either daytona or new smyrna around the september tradeshow in orlando. This way we could convince some of the west coast guys displaying at the tradeshow to show up with their latest and greatest? Just a thought. Cheers

Thats the best way. Good suggestion. Long way for the northeasterners.

Speaking of tradeshows, we have one next weekend, 11th-13th. Anybody that wants to say hi at the

ego/influenza festival can PM me and we’ll try to meet up.

I would love to go to one. I may even make another balsa/eps fish before the summer. OBX would be sweet, but tough to make for me. I turned Eastern’s into a week vacation for the wife and I, but I don’t know about doing something like that again. Florida Fish Fry would be my best bet.

yes, for me. bummed each time I see it go off in San Diego and I can’t get there.