Fish Slices - AKU Shaper

Hi All,

I’m designing my first fish on AKU Shaper (APS 3000); I’m happy with my outline and profile but am looking for help with the rails. I would really appreciate any AKU Slices for a fish, either traditional or progressive so I have a good starting point.


Hey Muppet-

I’ve been gearing up for my first board/first fish myself. If you search for “fish” and “.brd” or “aku” or “attachment” and dig through the threads that pop up you’ll find a bunch of posts with attached files that show rail cross sections. Here’s one thread:;search_string=fish%20.brd;#348143

You might want to search for “fish” and “rails” first, and dig through some of the discussions on the tradeoffs between different rail shapes. I think my plan is pretty standard: plenty of volume in the rails, 50/50 at the nose, progressing to 60/40 at the middle and an “onion with the bottom sliced off” shape, a la griffin’s 5-fin fish, for the tail.

Thanks for the help Sofa!