I’m designing a current board I already have in order to replicate it. The board is a fish tail and after messing around with the program AKU shaper, i still am unnable to figure out how to actually incorperate the fish tail.
If anyone uses the program and could help me out that would be greatly appreciated .
That has always stumped me as well. But no big deal. Just create the outline to what you like, make the tail flat in the back and then make your tail on the finished template. You can also just create the tail you wish once your outline is transferred to foam.
I do not know how to create a fish or swallow right off the bat on AKU either.
I never template the tail until after I turn the rails and finish the deck and bottom contours. I don’t want finished points in my blank until I get towards the end.
Sorry to bump a somewhat older thread, but I know the answer to this one. After messing around with AKU i realized why you can’t do a fish tail, the machine can’t cut it. So, you can’t design it in the software. So, the best way to do it is to design it as a regular square tail with the plan to cut out the buttcrack yourself.
I say “by hand” but I have seen everything from Jig Saws and High Speed Grinders to Coping Saws and Japanese Pull Saws used on Fish Tails. Hack Saw Blades, Drywall Keyhole Saw etc. etc. etc. I use a combination of the jig saw and coping saw. CNC can do anything, but most cutting houses opt out on Fish Tails.