fish Vs singelfin

I’ve tried the test model from the Downing shop. It was defiantly a three fin. It was a couple of years ago but I thought it was a 6’6 but maybe I am wrong. My board is 6’6 and it is one of the larger WARTs made so far to deal with my Sasquatch like size. From what I know (which isn’t much) the shaper was the ghost for Downing and he learned under McCoy.


I’ve tried the test model from the Downing shop. It was defiantly a three fin. It was a couple of years ago but I thought it was a 6’6 but maybe I am wrong. My board is 6’6 and it is one of the larger WARTs made so far to deal with my Sasquatch like size. From what I know (which isn’t much) the shaper was the ghost for Downing and he learned under McCoy.

Regardless of the photo enhancement…the W.A.R.T. still does not look much like a nugget to me. Then again…I don’t think the Surf Tech nuggets look like nuggets either.

Holy shit, That’s way different.


Johnny…Hey Benny1…tell John I said hello. I have a bunch of pictures of his surfboards. In fact a couple of the boards cheyne rode in “Scream in blue” were shaped by Johnny.