fitting lokbox before or after painting your blank?

Hi Guys,

Not sure if this is a chicken and egg question as I have never used lokbox before BUT should I paint my blank before or after cutting the holes for the boxes with the lockbox jig or paint after the the holes have been cut or indeed fit the plugs with lam resin and then mask off the boxes and spray the blank???



You can do it either way, but if you spray it first you need to let the paint dry real good. Like overnite. Most production guys are cutting the holes, then airbrushing… Thanks, Jim

Hey thanks for the advice - if I do paint after routing the holes is it necessary to mask off the routed holes or do I just paint over those as well? Is the bond with the lam resin affected by paint???



Depends on the paint you use, if it does then you are going to have real problems don’t you think?

You don’t need to mask off the holes. Unless you just flood the holes with wet paint you won’t have any issues. The bond will be the same as the glass that bonds to the rest of the board…