Fixing delammed kids board (sticking HDPE and EPS?)

I just bought my kid a secondhand soft board that’s delammed a bit from being left in the sun. It has EPS core and various layers of epoxy and PE. What can I use to stick the deck back down? I was going to drill some small holes and inject some warm glue of some sort and weight it down with sand etc until it sticks. I don’t want to melt the core but I do want to stick to the slick PE deck material. Any products that will work that you can think of?

My tip.

Drill two small holes on opposite sides of the delam.  Put a vacuum on one hole.  Inject epoxy with a syringe into the other hole.  You will see the epoxy flow across.  Once the void is filled, remove the vacuum, and put a weight on the area.  Come back when cured.



would that vacuum technique also work on a PE board too? I have just rescued an old custard point off ebay and their is has a section that has delammed on the bottom near the nose of the board.