I have a EPS board with a wood veneer (firewire TimberTek) and it has a crack in it. Don’t know exactly when it happened, but looks like someone’s knee or something went into it and so there’s a pressure dent with cracks in it. Cracked through the wood and the glass.
The wood is all still there, just cracked, so I would like to avoid ripping that chunk out if possible. The problem is that it’s indented a little, so that makes it tricky. My first thought was just to lift the cracked plywood and syringe some epoxy under there to get it level, and then use wood filler to get it looking as nice as possible, and then reglass. Alternative options are to just leave it indented and glass over it as-is and just let the epoxy build it up, or maybe even cutting out like a square of the wood, and then releveling the foam, and then re-inlaying the wood?
Do any of these sound better or worse? Is there a good way to do this? Any thoughts would be really helpful. Thanks!