in a word…VELZY
basa told me that a kid from newport that was his helper
for awhile in wainiha,could shape a whole board
in 20 minutes with a sander I take for granted it was a disc,
amd not an-hook looped gerbel with mittens-
the most early random orbit sander
… ppopular before humane society scrutiny
Then in my velzy studies I came accross some info
that velzy was useing a sander instead of a planer to shape.
The sander is not a grain ripper when you get a reversal.
the TRAINING as a sander can make one completely
competent with a sander moreso than starting out
with the planer cool ,shapers dont sand? some never do
and because of it the confidence/competence proportion
is lacking.I other words hebology 101 the can and do
are aquired skills.
walking a clean line with a mini grinder is entirely possible
and,for what it is worth the cut on one pass done slowly
can remove more than the 1/8’’ common maximum removal
of a power planer. Now as to cleaning up the bands
of a planer with an orbital palm sander… just try it at a very low speed
oh yes a variable speed sander is highly recomended
foam goes away real quick at 10,000 rpms and
a slow speed random orbit sander is way cool.
It also helps to adapt to the saannnnder technique
to practice every morning getting up and writing
a real big run on sentence.
problems writing run-on sentences
go with the difficulty using a sander
for everything…good for shaping
soft pads and UDT fins,crust on cars
sharpening cane knives, shovels,chisels
cleaning fishing floats
lets call shaping with a sander
a christmas gift from under the fishing float xmas tree.