Kieren Perrow’s back up board at Mundaka. Some sort of different material (black) in the tail area. Rob Olliges
could be paint
Ethafoam.Built boards like that mid 70’s. TB
What is ethafoam? and what is it used for?
Come on guys. That’s carbon. Adds stiffness to the tail and doesn’t dent.
I was checking out some of those blue s-core boards today and noticed a metal disk near the tail near the leash plug. It was about the diameter of a half-dollar. Can someone tell me what this is for?
Guys, Its a carbon stomp pad, and the metal disc is a plug with a screw in cap, supposed to be opened when the board is not in use so taht the air inside doesnt expand so much that the hollow board puffs up. The plug is also for drainage…
It could be a flextail, Outer island make them I have a 7’2" goeds like a rocket in waves with a bit of juice. turns tighter goes faster.