Flipper tech

Read archives; searched net. Fer cryin’ out loud. Everyone’s got an opinion:

Paddle fins like UDT’s

Split fins like Apollo Bio-Fin

Propeller fin like Force Fins

Each has people saying these are the fastest most efficient etc. Maybe there’s no help for it but if anyone has any input…that’d be cool.

everybody has an opinion on Fins-----best idea—get a whole bunch of different fins go to the pool and try them all out —thats the fun and 'scientific’way to find out----besides, it’s fun

I kick Vipers (superstiff’s/longs/ yellow dots) It takes em awhile to kick out and they push good. My bro kicks Da’Fin and loves 'em, but goes through 3 pairs a year, but he mainly just body surfs. I think it depends on what/where you wanna slide, you know?

Let me just add, do the testing with a scale and such, similar to http://www.rodndtube.com/paipo/flippers/SwimFinsMethods.html which resulted in http://www.rodndtube.com/paipo/flippers/Swim-SurfFinTests.html

‘feels ____’ doesn’t necessarily equate to thrust. Apparently just the opposite, for some. Like much of the surf world, there is a helluva lot of hype and not a lot of anything real.

Might be a very good move to test both in cruise mode and for a short full power push, as done in the above referenced test.

Now, for myself, I like large fins…


Yeah Doc!!! That’s what I"'m looking for! Thank you. too bad they didn’t test UDT’s and Force Fins and maybe the Bio-fin split job. Though the UDT’s seem to be verrrry popular and the price is clear down to the reasonable range. That’s the prob w/ doing my own tests is who’s gonna buy all the fins?