logger- please explain what you mean by preferring heavy flat logs and > flexible mats? what the hell are you talking about? mats? dicotomy?? speak > english.>>> jeremy The English seems clear. All the kids want to know just what the “heck”, you think, you think that you are thinking. “Dicotomy”?? clearly the name of a Cosco inflatable mattress. also used when Mr. Solomonson is not looking. I’m going to have my sister help me order one of those inflatable Mr. Dale Solomonson Magic Carpets for my dad for Christmas. He won’t know who it will be from. He thinks that Coral’s posts are curious, at best, and at my age, well, with the help of the kids up the street, and with what I am always hearing from out of the kitchen, it’s something my dad would really like for Christmas. The one kid said, that, by then you better not order it for Coral