[maybe that should be ] 'lunatic chippy' [who gives his fins away , and makes losses every time haha ha haaa ? [sigh] ] enjoys these photos...
so , WHICH of the above fins do you surf the most / enjoy the most , mate ?
and yes , there is always SOMEONE who wants to tell you "i did that 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 [WHATEVER] years ago" [YAWWWWWNNNNN] ... and try to spoil your stoke and fun [hahahaha good luck with THAT !! hahaha !] as i have noticed / said before ... "warning ...fragile egos at work !!" ...hahaha [if you're not having FUN , it doesn't COUNT , in my books , anyway ! ]
and ...bernie , maybe you can help me ? I think my floor needs cleaning today ...
in the end you’ll come to realize
its all just a fad to make a buck for someone’s ego
-This I disagree with, for me, I am trying plenty of different stuff with fins and board design for performance benefits, there’s no money in it for me and as for the ego, well if the designs make me surf a bit better, than a might think I surf a bit better but thats about it…
we take this stuff way too seriously
this I agree with , surfing has to stay fun…but some take their fun seriously I guess…
have several new editions since this pic, but also have several sets out on loan… Ben, you should start an underground fin biz and call it FINattix, but maybe you’ll have to send oneula a set for the name…
I never see fins like that brewer one here in oz. Gotta be a fun single fin fin!?. Mark, I think you have something similar??, lots a base but not much,rake and thin tip??. If so, how does it go, and what’s the best board for them?? Short n wide etc??
...kinda like how once people build a car , WHEELS are a good idea , to hold it in eh ? ...[derek hynd , and the early hawaiians being noteable exceptions . [ But I have NOWHERE NEAR their surfing ability , of course !]
but you should try it, will make you appreciate what wheels actually do and also what other parts of a board do or dont do…plus its a shiteload of fun to try stuff thats not easy, bet you’ll be smiling and laughing at yourself and thats gotta be a good thing…imo
earlier in the year , I had two surfs on wegeners 'alaia' the foam and fibreglass surftechy one [borrowed from the longbords scarborough shop - demo boards...]
ate crap on every wave . [ and they were good waves I wasted , too...]
....but after the second day's unsuccessful surf attempt, the third day I was on it , with a finned board , having FUN again !
...watching the dvd 'musica surfica' recently , it was reassuring to hear what derek hynd had to say about it , how it was like learning to surf all over again [voiced over some footage of tom carroll , and others , wiping out]